Covid-19 Devotionals


After cutting the edges and mowing the lawns today, we decided to design the rest of the front of the log rock garden. After placing medium size rocks of different colours in a “W” shape, we decided to use white / grey stones to divide the “V’s” of the “W”. We had purchased two bags of these stones over four years ago. The plastic is biodegradable and has since ‘broke down/degraded’. Because these bags were on other rocks, we needed to pick up each stone and put it into the wheelbarrow.

As we were doing this, Jenny shouted, “I killed a spider!” This led me to think about spiders and their web making skills. I found and edited the following:

Spiders have structures called spinnerets on their abdomen, usually on the underside to the rear. These are the silk-spinning organs. Different species have different numbers of spinnerets, but most have a cluster.

At the end of each spinneret is a collection of spigots, nozzle-like structures. A single silk thread comes out of each.

[Arachnid curator Jan Beccaloni] explains, ‘Although it looks a bit like an icing nozzle, the silk is pulled out by gravity or the spider’s hind leg. The silk is liquid when it’s inside the spider.’

Before it is extruded out of the spinneret, cribellate silk first passes through a sieve-like structure called the cribellum. Spiders that make this type of silk also have a row of specialised leg bristles called the calamistrum, which combs the silk out and gives it the different, woolly texture.

(Link to the original article.)

I was fascinated recently in reading about another web … the web of doctrine and theology. As you have most likely heard many times, some people say that “doctrine divides”. What they mean is that they ignore doctrine because so many have this doctrine or that doctrine and in the end it separates people. Just do and believe as you will … but hold onto Jesus for salvation and then we’re all good. I would rather say … yes, doctrines does divide … it divides truth from error. The web of doctrine and theology that I speak of relates to all the doctrine and all the theology that arises from a systematic study of the Word of God. By this, I mean that all the doctrine and theology for a Christian must come directly from the Word of God.

If it is not in the Bible and if it cannot be proved from the Bible, the doctrine and theology is false. Now what do I mean by “the web of doctrine and theology”? As elaborate and intricate and as beautiful and masterly as a spider’s web is … so is the web of doctrine and theology found on the pages of Scripture.

The word “doctrine” means “teaching.” Christian doctrine is the attempt to state in intellectually responsible terms the message of the Bible, the Gospel and the content of the faith required to believe. The word “theology” means “the study of God”. It comes from the word theos, which is Greek for “God,” and -ology, which is from the Greek word logos meaning “word” or “study”. Most literally then, the word theology means “words about God” or “the study of God”.

These two words together help us to understand various aspects of the “web” of God … Who and what is God? Where does He come from? What is He like in His character and personality? What has He done and what does He continue to do?

Then, there is the “web” of man … Who is man? Where does he come from? What is he like? Is there a likeness of God in him? Is he holy like God is? What is the purpose and function of man on this earth? Then there is the “web” of sin. What is sin? Where does sin come from? Who is the architect of sin? How does God view sin? What will God do about sin? To what degree has sin affected man?

Then, there is the “web” of Christ. Who is Christ? Where does He come from? What is He like? What is His purpose and what was His reason for coming to earth? Where is He now?

Some of the other parts of the web of doctrine and theology are repentance, faith, forgiveness, salvation, heaven and hell. The great purpose of the web of doctrine and theology is to teach us about God and His purposes so that we will believe in Jesus Christ, His rescue plan and be saved to heaven and avoid hell.

Tit 1:9 He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.

It is to encourage yourself and the Body of Christ as well as to protect yourself and the Body of Christ from falsehood.

Dear God, help me to know Scriptural Doctrine and Theology to protect and encourage me to faithfulness. Amen.

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