Devotionals Genesis

Project Updates

Our daughter Angela and her husband Roy have taken the huge step of building a house. It is part of a larger development of probably more than 100 homes. There are double story and single story houses and in each of these categories there are a few selections. The negative is that one cannot change the basic standards of the home, though one can add on as per the development company’s offerings. The houses here are built with a wooden structure, so the building period takes less time. Each week the project manager provides the children with updates on the building’s progress. This means they are up to date with where their house’s construction is at any given week.

Today we want to launch into the Genesis text a little and as time passes we shall see that Genesis and especially Genesis chapter is God not only giving us a basic account of His creating, He also provides us with daily updates. On Day one He says this and day two He says that and so on until day six.

1) Dependent or Independent Clause? Please read the following verses thoughtfully

Ge 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

If verse one is a dependent clause, then verse 2 means something else. It means that whatever follows is dependent upon what verse one says. If verse one is an independent clause, as I believe it is, then verse one is a standalone verse. It is a statement or declaration of the fact of an absolute creation by God. In other words, it means what it says … In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth … then verse two follows explaining the state of the earth and then God started creating in verse three. This I believe is a correct understanding of the text.

2) Three Circumstantial Clauses. Look at verse two again:

Ge 1:2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

(i) The first circumstantial clause is … Now the earth was formless and empty.

(ii) The second circumstantial clause is … darkness was over the surface of the deep.

(iii) The third circumstantial clause is … the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

Verse 1 is a broad declaration of the fact of creation. Verse 2 gives an understanding of the condition of the Earth as it was when God created and until God began to form the earth into the present world. There are some who see verse 2 very differently to what the text actually says. They see the verse saying there was chaos, meaning confused and in an unorganized state before God created it into an orderly form. Well, let’s look at the verse closer.

(a) Formless and empty. It’s key to grasp that these words do not mean or imply chaos, disorder or a jumbled state. Rather the thought being taught is that the earth was not habitable. It was not ready for man to dwell in it.

(b) Darkness was over the surface of the deep. The earth was covered with water. This explains the darkness.

(c) The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. The Spirit was present.

Now think through these verses again … do these three clauses mean chaos … a jumbled … disordered or mess? How could there be a mess if the Spirit of God was in attendance … in control? Here is a provocative question to illustrate the point … “Is the unformed baby in the womb in chaos or in a mess?” Definitely not! What needs to be remembered is that God created the planet for two specific purposes. The first is His pleasure and glory. The second is for man to live in. Man’s house (the planet) was not ready until the 6th day.

Roy and Angela received an update from their builder yesterday. It’s under construction. Outside the roof is going up. The cladding on the outside needs to be done. Inside one sees the wooden framework, concreate floors, water piping, drain piping and electrical cables. To some this might seem a chaos, a mess … nothing but disorder with ladders, tools, fittings, shavings, open boxes and dust everywhere. Is it chaos? No! It is a house under construction. It’s not ready to inhabit … it is being made ready for habitation. The project manager is present and in control of all construction … every step of the way.

That’s the picture of Genesis 1:2. The Spirit of God is in control every step of the development of the earth. So … to speak of chaos is not a good translation. The NIV’s “formless and empty, darkness” yes! You see, the Holy Spirit was working incubation. He was “birthing” or fashioning planet earth for habitation. There was no chaos … just an “organized operation.” That’s it … verse 2 means order, control and organization. That was the Spirit’s intent! That’s the picture … all the materials were present, just covered with water and darkness with the Holy Spirit incubating! Once the earth was fully incubated it was birthed as a fully functional and inhabitable home for man. And look at God’s response to His creativity …


Ge 1:31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.

He looked at His creation in all it magnificence … and it was … very good!


Ge 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.

The glory of “it was very good” is “their vast array.” All God had made including the heavens in their seemingly “limitless expanse” was very good in the eye of God. Perhaps we may end off today by making three statements.

(i) Verse one is a comprehensive statement of creation. Remember we said this verse is an “independent clause” or a “standalone clause” telling us what God did

Ge 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

(ii) Verse two shows us the state of the earth from the hands of God before the six days of creation commenced.

Ge 1:2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

(iii) Verse three informs us of the first process of God in fashioning the earth.

Ge 1:3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

Like I said, we are taking our time, trying to cover relevant basics to ensure that we set such a solid foundation that we fully grasp chapter one, two and three for in so doing it will shape our doctrine and theology for good and for life!

Thank You, Father, that we are able to clear away misunderstandings that we might have been trapped in regarding the first few verses of the Bible. As Your Spirit hovered over the unformed, dark earth … may He hover over our minds giving us more and more understanding into the creative activities of You our God. Amen.

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