Devotionals Jonah

Angry Enough to Die

Just because you feel you are being punished, or some misfortune comes your way, does not mean God’s grace has run out on you! After I had preached today, an elderly brother was telling me that he had had a particularly bad week.  He described how some people, although having been under the Word for […]

Devotionals Jonah

God is Good

You might know the song … “God is good (all the time); And all the time (God is good)”. Those statements are true all the time. God is always good, not just in His being but in the way He cares for and provides for all people, especially His people. I have said it many times […]

Devotionals Jonah

Sinful Anger

There are two main types of anger. The first is sinful anger. This is when we sin whilst angry and are angry when we sin. Generally, virtually all anger is sinful. The other anger is righteous anger. This is when you become angry with someone for doing wicked things against innocent people. Only on rare […]

Devotionals Jonah

God of Divine Love

It is fascinating to listen to how many ideas, schemes and strategies people tend to come up with. So often you listen to a person whose thoughts are so rational, sounding so great only to hear the next speaker coming up with ideas or thoughts that tend to be even better that the previous speaker. […]

Devotionals Jonah

Confused by God

Not everyone is happy when God saves souls … be it one or two here and there or larger numbers. Some become furious whilst many sing with joy. True believers ought to rejoice when souls come to a true conversion experience and are Born Again. Lk 15:7 I tell you that in the same way there […]

Devotionals Jonah


Jesus has mandated His Church to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8) and through being His witnesses (evangelism) to make disciples of all nations (Mt 28:19). This is His mandate to His Church. The Church is the people. His mandate to the Church includes every Born Again member of the Church. Why is it that so […]

Devotionals Jonah

Genuine Repentance

If you are a parent you will understand that at times you need to “lay the law down” to your children. They might be disobedient and continue to rebel against your prior instructions with reference to the morality of the family values you set in place. Then suddenly you put your foot down and issue […]

Devotionals Jonah

The Good News and the Bad News

I am sure you been in or are in a Church where the Gospel takes center stage. Some people don’t like to hear the Gospel presented, although in different ways, week after week. They can’t understand that believers are motivated and spurred on to love Jesus more and more and serve Him better because of […]

Devotionals Jonah

Sinful Selection

Revival times come in many ways with one common ingredient. That ingredient is the conviction of sin. Believers are so convicted that they mourn for holiness. Unbelievers are convicted leading to sorrow for their sin and being saved. When the Holy Spirit arrives upon a community, there is a sudden urgency … almost like an […]

Devotionals Jonah

God’s Word to Who?

This month, 57 years ago Jenny and I met and soon started going out. After about three years we broke up for some reason that was my fault. After about two weeks I was missing her so much that I went to her home, without an appointment and asked her for a second chance. It […]