Acts Devotionals

Jews in Rome

Have you been asked to defend yourself about something you are accused of? Many years ago there was a sort of revolt against me, spearheaded by someone I trusted in the Church. This person wanted to have me fired as the pastor. Thinking through it afterwards, I realized he wanted to assume the position I […]

Acts Devotionals

Never Giving Up

I remember as a Bible School student asking a respected, well known pastor when as a Christian you stop helping people who don’t want to change. His answer was short and blunt … “Never!” I struggled with that response for many years until I realized how many times God sent people to me in my […]

Acts Devotionals

In Rome

Our son Edwin, his wife Kristi and daughter Karrissa have been generous to us, Jenny and myself as well as Roy, Angela, Nathan and Luke by inviting us to spend a week with them at a timeshare in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. We are half way through the week and although it is raining, we have been […]

Acts Devotionals


It is very interesting that Luke does not record Paul preaching the Gospel on Malta. Did Luke miss adding this or was Paul afraid? I would suggest that he did preach the Gospel on the Island. Why else would God have permitted the shipwreck to be on that Island? Yet … as you read the […]

Acts Devotionals

Venomous Snakes

Some people will disagree with my approach, though I did what I believed I needed to do on the spur of the moment. Then, when reading Paul’s account I felt so much better! Good friends of ours own a lodge and permitted us to make use of the manager’s cottage from time to time as […]

Acts Devotionals

Energy to Endure

Although the stories are fiction, I used to love watching the “A Team” with our children on Television when they were small. Each episode ended with the good guys (A Team) coming out on top. The four in the team were Lieutenant Colonel John “Hannibal” Smith, Arthur Templeton “Faceman” Peck, HM “Howling Mad” Murdock and […]

Acts Devotionals

Grace Through the Storm

We have heard of yachts losing their sails, motors and navigation accessories and radio equipment resulting in drifting endlessly at sea for weeks on end before being considered lost and search aircrafts being send to search for them. Some experiences are harrowing. You will recall Luke writing: Ac 27:20 When neither sun nor stars appeared for […]

Acts Devotionals

Who Am I?

When last have you stopped and asked yourself the question: “Who am I?” True, you have a name. You are registered with Home Affairs as a citizen of your country. You have an Identification Number and a birth date. You might be married or single or perhaps widowed or divorced. You may have children. Perhaps […]

Acts Devotionals

Exercising Real Faith

It is a known fact that the world does not trust God. How can they trust Him when they refuse to believe that He is! In the face of all worldly opposition, are you able to trust the God of the Bible? When things really get bad, are you able to trust God? As your […]

Acts Devotionals


Jokingly I would say that I don’t like being out on the deep sea because should the ship get a puncture, one can’t walk back to shore. I have a holy fear of the sea. When working in the Fishing Industry, because my role was being in charge of maintaining the trawlers mechanically, should we […]