Acts Devotionals

Paul the Citizen

Being a citizen of a country, in some cases, includes many advantages. If you are a citizen of the EU or USA, when entering certain countries you don’t need a visa. Here in the USA, the citizens take their citizenship very seriously. I read today of a man who as a US citizen came from […]

Acts Devotionals

Seeing, Hearing, Believing

There are many times when the Gospel is proclaimed and those who hear respond negatively against it. It is not that there is anything wrong with the Gospel. Not at all. The Gospel is God’s Rescue Plan for mankind. Analyzing the Gospel shows it is perfect in every way. The problem is the heart of […]

Acts Devotionals

Paul’s Testimony

Some people incorrectly believe that only pastors and Christian Workers are called to testify about the Lord Jesus and His offer of the Gospel to all who will receive it. The reason I say this is an incorrect belief is because all believers are mandated to take the Gospel message to everyone, wherever they are, […]

Acts Devotionals

Faith in a Strong Branch

Why is it that the apostle Paul could speak so boldly, fearlessly and confidently before the mob trying to kill him? In the mail they send out a few times a week, “The Pour Over” ( have a quote by Tim Keller: “If you’re falling off a cliff, strong faith in a weak branch is […]

Acts Devotionals

Be Like Ananias

There are times when we seek the will of God for our lives and it’s not forthcoming. Some people have waited for years to have their prayers for God to guide them as to what His will for them is. Others again seem to feel that God is not guiding them into His will for […]

Acts Devotionals

Holy Joes

It is a long time since I have heard a testimony of what a person’s life was like before coming to faith in Christ. I recall the days when people would share how disgusting their morals were and how Jesus gave them a new morality once they trusted Him for salvation. Some would even share […]

Acts Devotionals

Who Are You?

If someone asked you what your nationality is, what would you say? Take me … I mentioned sometime back … both grandfathers came from Scotland, one grandmother’s parents came from Cornwall in England and the other was a Voortrekker descendant. I’m an African. I was challenged as to this … “You are a Brit” … […]

Acts Devotionals

Ascension Day

I spoke a few days ago about us going down to Charleston on South Carolina’s coast because some friends of ours were to dock there on Saturday past. Jenny and I have not seen these friends in a few years. The last was in 2015 when they were with us at Izapa Game Lodge. Our […]

Acts Devotionals

Away With Him

To the Jews, the temple was exceptionally sacred because it was the dwelling place of God amongst His people. He resided in the Holy of Holies. Only the high priest could enter there once a year with blood to appease for his sin, that of his family as well as the Nation of Israel. The […]

Acts Devotionals

Paparazzi Journalism

It’s amazing how people are able to trump up stories against others to make their opponents look stupid or even criminal. We see this in politics across the planet. Journalism at times can be of a paparazzi nature, creating the sensational. In big business there tends to be cut throat ethics to out maneuver the […]