We were away for most of January this year having a break. During the last week of January, we spent Monday to Friday at a Fly Fishing and Wild Life Resort on the other side of Carolina. It is a town in the Mpumalanga Province and lies in the grass and wetlands region at 1700 […]
Today I want to paint a picture for you. It might be possible to pack some of the things you have experienced into this picture and make it yours. Often we are so wrapped up in our personal affairs that we seldom think that others could have more tragic stories than our own. This does […]
What Hinders Prayer?
I can only speak for myself, but I’m certain that what I have to say is true of you as well. I truly love the Lord Jesus Christ. He is so very precious to me. I love what He did for me; I love His Word; I love speaking to Him; I love that I’ll […]
Very often, we tend to think of our country as the worst when it comes to corruption, fraud and–not to mention the almost forgotten term–state capture. Perhaps the reason for this is because we live in our country and because the main news we see and hear of is about our country. And just in […]
Reading Plans
Have you ever read The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan? This book is priceless and a must-read for every Christian. We read it to our children a few times and I am aware that Roy, our son-in-law has read it to his children. Let me add that it is a read for both children and […]
When a Plan Comes Together
I have been a strong supporter of not having a television in the bedroom. In fact, when I do my last pre-marriage (or marriage enrichment) counseling session, I teach that the bedroom is not for computers, televisions or sewing machines. Its purpose is exclusively for the double S (you can work that one out). Having […]
The Dangers of Drunkenness
Today we started level 2 lockdown in South Africa. As a country, lock down has already lasted 145 days … the longest lock down period anywhere in the world. Apart from other concessions, bottle stores, pubs, shebeens and restaurants may now sell alcohol to their patrons. Nowhere in the Bible does it say you cannot […]
Frozen Deepfreeze
I grew up in an old farm house. I honestly cannot remember whether we had a fridge. In my mind, the first fridge we owned was the one mom purchased once we moved into the house dad built. When one is small, you don’t worry about such things as furniture or stoves and fridges. It’s […]
Taking Liberties
The president, together with his Covid Command Council, has ordered that the Covid-19 restrictions be relaxed to level 2 from Tuesday coming. This ought to open up the economy significantly where most businesses will be able to function as before … though, the strict protocol of social distancing, sanitizing, masks, and no hugging, kissing or […]
I am certain you have heard the saying, “He or she is acting out of character.” Get the picture of a parent being called to school and the principal saying, “Your son has done a terrible thing. He fought with a smaller boy and once he was reported he swore at the prefect.” The mother […]