Due to me having an appointment today, I decided to do the lawns yesterday. But first, I needed to repair the section where the contractors from Frogfoot (the company who did the fibre installation) dug up the lawn to lay the fibre (we still do not have fibre–eight days later). They did a poor job […]
Yesterday Jenny and I went to her hairdresser for our monthly bonny chop (haircut). In talking to him, I mentioned that a friend of mine needs a haircut but his barber closed down during lock down. I said, “I’ll recommend that he come to you.” He laughed and said, “I’m not a barber. I’m a […]
It’s rather phenomenal wanting to be God when there is only one God who is eternally God and who cannot be dethroned. After all, there is one, true, living God who created everything out of nothing and continues to sustain all things that exist! Yet there are those from time to time who pop up […]
Every August is “Woman’s Month”, with the 9th being the Public Holiday “National Woman’s Day” originating out of the Women’s march in 1956 to the Union Buildings. The extract below comes from an article in The Daily Friend entitled “Stop Patronizing Women”, written by Ivo Vegter (freelance journalist, columnist and speaker). He writes: Each Women’s […]
If you have ever written a sermon, Bible study, devotion or talk for adults, youth or children, you will know that every sermon, study, devotion, and talk you prepare is prepared for yourself before it is presented to others. This is rather daunting, because when you are seeking holiness before the Lord, your message to […]
I have been talking to two brothers over the past six months about someone we know who tends to tell lies at will. Let’s understand this carefully … everyone, sadly, tends to tell lies at times. It is a sin and it is breaking the Seventh Commandment: Ex 20:16 “You shall not give false testimony […]
Today was one of those days … I preached and recorded my service/sermon for tomorrow. I was all done by 2.20pm. Then, we prepared lunch and decided to sit in the lounge and watch some TV whilst we ate. After the meal, I decided to edit the service/sermon, splicing in all the slides for readings […]
How often do you struggle with disappointment? And when you do, do you become angry, sad or depressed? To be honest, we all struggle with this emotion. Yesterday, I told you about the fiber installation at our home. All that was needed was for the installation team to return today to do the final connection […]
After many months of waiting, the end is in sight. We put in an order for a fibre line from the pavement to our dining room (since the dining room is the center of the house) … and today they started the installation. They arrived at 1pm and left at 6.30pm. They’ll return tomorrow to […]
Is the Armageddon Here?
One person commented on the third story below asking: “Is the Armageddon here in South Africa?” The first story is: On Monday morning, a couple were attacked at the home in Little Falls, Roodepoort. According to police spokesperson Capt Balan Muthan, the incident happened between 6am and 8am. Muthan said the elderly couple opened the […]