I said yesterday that I am working through Nehemiah for my daily devotions and I asked you to read chapter 8. When you see how Governor Nehemiah and Priest Ezra together with the other spiritual leaders read the Word aloud whilst the people stood for at least six hours at a time. This was followed […]
Spiritual Food
Today was a day where Jenny and I were very proud. For many, this moment might be trivial, but for us, Roy, Angela and Roy’s parents together with about another 15 other people, we gathered on Zoom for a certificate presentation. Our grandson Nathan had taken a gap year (June 2019 to June 2020) and […]
The Athanasian Creed
I have just completed my sermon for Sunday on Colossians 1:15-17. The theme is about Jesus’ Deity. Since we are in lockdown and it’s difficult to recite a long creed such as the Athanasian Creed in a video sermon, I thought I would provide it as a daily note for you to read through. It […]
What Will Your Verdict Be?
A former bookkeeper who stole more than R1.2m from the Aurora Special Care Centre in Port Elizabeth was sentenced to an effective eight years behind bars on Wednesday. He was also ordered to repay the outstanding amount owed to Aurora–a total of R986,000 (he has since paid pack R225,000). In terms of a Section 300 […]
What Loving Your Neighbour Means
Struggle stalwart and the last surviving Rivonia Trialist Andrew Mlangeni has died at the age of 95. He was admitted to 1 Military Hospital in Thaba Tshwane, Pretoria, on Tuesday, following an abdominal complaint, where he died during the night of 21-22 July. The President, Cyril Ramaphosa, said: “Until recently, we were able to sit […]
Our grandson Nathan completed the Explores Course (8 core modules plus 3 optional ones on Church History) through George Whitefield College. He made a short video explaining what this meant to him in preparation for secular university. You are welcome to view it on Youtube. For an eighteen year old, he hits the nail on […]
What Makes a Church Boring?
I did a little gardening today. The neighbor opposite our house stopped by to talk for a while. The discussion topics covered a few matters and eventually got to ‘church’. There are many things right and many things wrong with most, if not all, churches, depending which denomination you belong to and what your personal […]
On Advice About Dreams
Recently, I received an SMS from a young Christian man who attends college. He was quite desperate, writing, “I had a dream recently and need help with interpretation. I don’t know if it means something or just a dream. In the dream, I heard a voice talking to me. That voice didn’t have a face […]
Praying When Things Go Wrong
It is one thing to prepare a sermon and then preach it in a church using the pulpit or lectern, but it’s another thing to set something up at home to record a message. You walk into the church to the pulpit, place your Bible and notes or electronic device on it. The ushers have […]
The Door of Heaven is Open
We needed to collect a certificate someone kindly printed for me this morning. Once we were ready, I unlocked the backdoor and turned the handle … but the door would not open. I tried again and again, but the lock mechanism would not allow the top plunger to retract. Fortunately, I had a plan B. […]