While visiting America in 1994, I was told that a pastor had gone on a revival campaign. I was initially confused by the term ‘revival campaign’, but later found out that a ‘revival campaign’ is a preaching tour with evangelism the focus. So, what is a revival? In the strict sense, a revival is when […]
God’s View of Backsliding
You have heard preachers speak about backsliding. By backsliding, we mean that a person takes their focus off the Lord Jesus and, be it slowly or quickly, drifts spiritually to a point where interest in the things of God are not featuring at all. It means the heart is cold! Life in general might proceed […]
Humor (and a Spider Bite)
Yesterday was rather cold for us. Intentionally, we do not use heaters because I am prone to catching a cold when moving from hot to cold areas. I was dressed in jeans and a shirt with a fleece lined jacket. As I walked into the kitchen I felt something like a bite on the inside […]
Heaven, Hell, and COVID-19
I needed to see my doctor today as I have been struggling with an issue for a few weeks and self-medication has not worked. We have been the doctor’s patient for about 27 years or more. He told me that he had COVID-19. He says he is not sure how he became infected … it […]
Total Dependence on God
Have you ever fasted? By this, I mean, have you ever set apart a period of time (be it 2, 4, 8 or 12 hours or more) where your focus is on God in specific prayers? In place of eating or drinking or doing anything else, you separate yourself from the normal, drawing into God’s […]
Spiritual Gearboxes
We have a gearbox repair shop near where we live. Many machines use a gearbox. The purpose of a gearbox is to regulate the speed of a machine. Built into a food mixer or a food mincer, built into factory machines, bicycles, motorbikes or motor vehicles is some form of gearbox or reduction box that […]
The Radiance of Christ’s People
This morning, I met a friend to have breakfast and to discuss a few general matters, one of which was related to Jenny and my will. Because of lockdown and having to leave the church where we worshipped and served for many years, fellowship with believers has been sparse. It was so sweet to meet […]
A Dead Church vs. a Living Church
You have most likely heard people talk about a church and say, “That church is dead”. As shocking as that sounds, we need to ask a follow up question: “What do they mean when they say a church is dead?” More often than not, the so called “dead church” is dead because the music is […]
Spiritual Aesthetics
I spent most of the day cutting wooden floor blocks to size and fitting them. The glue I used takes up to 48 hours to set. I had some pretty good used wood that could be used for skirting boards. The thickness was right, but it had a few holes from previous use and some […]
Does God See Everything?
There are many things that puzzle children. I could never understand as a child how my mom always knew things about me … where I was and what I was doing or did. Our children could not grasp how Jenny knew what they were up to. Responding to the question “Mommy, how do you know […]