Have you ever received something unobtainable for free? We have a combination of a ladder, swing and seesaw for children. Due to excessive use, the holes in the down posts where the seesaw hinges wore out badly and became dangerous for use. I took the instrument apart years ago and stored it in the shed. […]
Christian Revival (Part 12)
We have a few old coins that might or might not be worth anything. The Brazil, Namibia, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Botswana coins we know are worthless. The British, German, Canada and American coins, if they have not changed since its issue will be worth a few Rand. In sorting out the coins last night I […]
Christian Revival (Part 11)
Sometimes there is repentance, confession and real commitment followed by earnest prayer and enquiring of God and things don’t turn out the way you expect or perhaps answers are only partial or targeted. Yesterday we ended our Note where king Josiah found after having the Bible read to him that God’s anger was burning against […]
Christian Revival (Part 10)
I have told this story before but need to tell it again briefly. We started going to church when our eldest son was getting ready to go to school. I had a problem with the sermons so I purchased a modern English Bible and read from Genesis and by the time I reached Colossians I […]
Christian Revival (Part 9)
There is something about revivals that we ought to know. They never last. They are temporal. God sends them and then withdraws them. He knows exactly why He does this. Maybe it’s so that it does not become novel, expected and causes people to lose “working hard” at holiness. Take Manasseh, Hezekiah’s son. 2Ki 21:2 […]
Christian Revival (Part 8)
Yesterday I started the Daily Note on Revival speaking about what could go wrong. Today I want to mention some positive effects that Revival brings. Professor David Dickson wrote the article “Five Effects of true Revival”. Here they are with my comments: (1) True Revival brings Peace with God. The wonderful experience of being in […]
Christian Revival (Part 7)
Not everything was good about spiritual revivals. There is a story coming out of the Welsh Revival about Humphrey Jones. “He was part of the Wesleyan Methodists. He had immigrated to the United States in 1854 and conducted ministry among Welsh settlers in Wisconsin and New York with tremendous success. Having witnessed the effect of […]
Christian Revival (Part 6)
If you have had the opportunity of reading the article on “prayer before revival” from the C.S. Lewis Institute, “Revival Born in a Prayer Meeting”, you will have noticed that there was a lot of hard work preceding the revival. Spiritual disciplines are hard work. Holiness, passionate prayer, dedication and desperately wanting God to visit […]
Christian Revival (Part 5)
The major figures of the Great Awakening in the New Land (America), were George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, Gilbert Tennent, Jonathan Dickinson and Samuel Davies, evangelicals, who preached a pietistic form of Calvinism heavily influenced by the Puritan tradition. George Whitefield preached in Jonathan Edwards’ Church and even though Edwards was himself a man used by […]
Christian Revival (Part 4)
Duncan Campbell was one of the preachers in the revival of 1949 in the Hebrides, Scotland. His preaching was described like this in the book “When God came down” … It was fearless and uncompromising. He exposed sin in its ugliness and dwelt at length on the consequences of living and dying without Christ. With […]