Maybe when you started reading my Notes three days back you were thinking, “what on earth is he doing writing about trees?” Well, we saw Adam and Eve hiding amongst the trees in the Garden of Eden after they fell into sin. Genesis 3 tells us what they did when God approached them after their […]
Under a Fig Tree
In considering four instances where trees are mentioned and the reason for this in the Bible, we saw Adam and Eve hiding amongst the trees in the garden and Zacchaeus up the tree for get a view of the Lord Jesus as He passed by. Today I want to look at Nathaniel who was seen […]
Up in a Tree
We started looking at a few trees mentioned in the Bible yesterday. The first one was a tree to hide behind. Here we saw Adam and Eve hiding amongst the trees after they had sinned. Today I want to look at being up in a tree, searching to get a glimpse of the Lord Jesus. […]
A Tree to Hide Behind
You may know that Jenny and I love the “Bush”. Apart from the mountains, animals, birds, insects, wild flowers and open fields, there are trees and shrubs and often long grass. One of the fascinating things about the bush is that during the summer the trees and shrubs are all green. You can’t see through […]
Turning to Jesus (Part 2)
Yesterday we started a two-part Daily Note to assist us as God’s people to prove our conversion true. We have considered three steps to help us pursue the Gospel life more successfully so far. These help us to start the Christian life correctly; that we confess Jesus openly and publically and that we study the […]
Turning to Jesus (Part 1)
Many turn to Jesus for a variety of reasons. Some are genuine and intentional about a lifelong commitment, however there are those who struggle through their “Christian life and commitment” without any visible signs of fruit, sincerity and real proof of conversion. I want to suggest a few steps that will result in pursuing the […]
In South Africa we celebrated Freedom Day to day. It is a national Public Holiday to commemorate “political emancipation” from the evils of “Apartheid”. Freedom Day is the commemoration of the first democratic elections held in South Africa on 27 April 1994. These were the first post-apartheid national elections to be held in South African […]
The Effects of the Bible
Continuing with the theme of “how should a believer use the Bible”, I want to consider the effects of the Word of God when it is used wisely from being preached to the impact upon the soul and life in the Kingdom of God. First, the Bible needs to be preached! There are many ways […]
How We Should Respond to the Bible
Today and tomorrow I want to spend some time thinking through how we as believers should use the Bible, the Word of God. Some churches are able to teach their members how to read the Bible because in their context it tends to be easier for people to gather more than just at the Sunday […]
Yesterday we started looking at what the Bible says about itself and we saw that the Bible says it is Precious, Perfect, Powerful and Profitable. Today we proceed … but always remember that the Bible is the Word of God. It is “out breathed” from God. It is the only thing God has left us […]