Acts Devotionals

Against Easy Believism

There are so many Gospel Presentations these days. Most of them are tailored to suit the hearers without offending them. We call this “easy believism” because you surrender in part because the Gospel you hear is part of the Gospel. The thing you must do, according to such presenters, is not to offend people. Make […]

Acts Devotionals

Spectator Value

Have you heard the saying “spectator value”? Radio 702 had a “Traffic Reporter” named Attie. Often he would tell listeners of an accident, say on the N1 North where the Highway was blocked due to the crash. The other side, the N1 South was travelling at snail pace … and he added … this was […]

Acts Devotionals

Helping Him Up

Some things seem so simple. Even the hardest task just tends to splice together at times. Over the weekend the crown in one of my back teeth popped out. Naturally I was concerned about it. Could the crown be put back or could they manufacture another one? Although the soonest appointment was scheduled for the […]

Acts Devotionals

The Power of Jesus

Remember, the Lord Jesus is building His Kingdom and He is using His apostles as His agents to build His Kingdom. One thing I have noticed over the years of being a Christian and then as a pastor is that some people want a Church that provides the spectacular! What is spectacular? Some would say […]

Acts Devotionals

The Gifts of God’s Kingdom

The Kingdom of God can be an awesome Body to belong to, if you are prepared to pull your weight by exercising your spiritual gifts. Some believers want us to believe that they are not able to do anything in the Body of Christ apart from sitting in the pew most Sundays throughout the year. […]

Acts Devotionals

Talking to God

Why is it that we tend to neglect the most important things in life? You know the story of doing the urgent and neglecting the important. This is a reality in business, home, relationships and when it comes to God. From a lady’s perspective, what is the most important and singular matter that makes a […]

Acts Devotionals

At the Lord’s Table

When you are young and meet a young lady or young man that you really like, it’s very difficult to get them out of your mind. You might day dream about them, fall asleep thinking of them and try to use every opportunity possible to see them. Remember the saying (if you are old enough) […]

Acts Devotionals

The Fellowship of Jesus Christ

When running KIDS Holiday Clubs many years ago we used to teach the children catchy songs with actions. One of the songs was “Heaven is a wonderful place”, based on Psalty and Ernie Rettino’s rendition. The lyrics go like this … “Heaven is a wonderful place, filled with glory and grace, I want to see […]

Acts Devotionals

The Growing Church

Many pastors are interested in Church Growth. On the one hand that could be a good desire as more feet means more hands to do ministry and support the Church budget. But if Church growth is just that, we miss the purpose of Church growth. I prefer Kingdom growth. Growing God’s Eternal Kingdom ought to […]

Acts Devotionals

Running From God

Many people have tried to run away from God since the beginning of time. Although running is a fruitless exercise, so many try … and I say this from personal experience. When I was 13 years old the Holy Spirit started to work in my heart. The pastor of the Church was quite evangelistic and […]