Covid-19 Devotionals

Stored Treasures

Some friends of ours are emigrating during the next few months and have embarked on the huge task of sorting out their house and garages. They built their house and have been in it for 21 years, but they have been married for close to 50 years … so you can imagine how much they have collected and gathered over the years. They asked me whether I wanted to check out the garage to see if there were things I wanted.

One of the first things I saw tucked away against the far wall was a wood lathe. I have “wanted” something like this for years but expenses prohibited such a purchase. As we surveyed the things, my friend said, “Do you want a wood lathe?”

What a question … I did not want to come across as too excited … but eagerly I said yes! It needs attention as it’s very old and has not been used for many years. My friend inherited this from his father-in-law. The motor needs attention, so he gave me another bigger motor that will be far stronger. God is good … not so? But it does not stop there.

His wife started scratching in an old wooden tool box the size of a kist. There were so many “old” tools as that box was also part of her father’s collection. By trade he was a carpenter. In that kist she found more than ten wood tools for working wood on the lathe. Amazing … the deeper you dig, the sooner you find gold!

I wonder how many of us have precious tools or articles tucked away in the garage, cupboard, kitchen or study that we might have been given (or have purchased) and because it’s stored and out of sight we are oblivious to its existence. I recall watching a TV series years ago (I think called American Gold Diggers) where two chaps would travel through farm lands in rural areas looking in barns and sheds … and so often they would find priceless article and even good condition collector motor vehicles and motorbikes. Who knows … you might have a small fortune tucked away somewhere in your house, shed or garage.

There is something that is extremely precious and valuable that you most likely have in your possession. You might use it now and then or perhaps you don’t use it at all. It’s like you know exactly where it is … but maybe for you that has been good enough. On the other hand, this valuable and precious article might be in your face daily and used daily … that’s right my friend … I am talking about God’s Word. After the Psalmist speaks of the beauty and majesty of creation … he speaks of the Word of God:

Ps 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. 8 The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes. 9 The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous. 10 They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb. 11 By them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.

Like Psalm 119, the Word of God is lifted high to be appreciated and loved, to be used and digested and to reap the benefits and rewards available when used intentionally.

He boldly says of God’s Holy Word … “They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold”. As a new Christian I had a license from the then Saldanha Municipality to sell Bibles and Christian Books on a corner of the main street outside the Standard Bank. I would purchase the Bibles and sell them at discounted prices as a ministry. One of the Bibles was a white leather Bible, wrapped in tissue paper, in a box. A lady asked me if she could see it. Once I had opened it she said … “I have one like that in the draw next to me bed.” I asked … “Do you use it?” Her answer was … “No. It’s never been used. It’s good like new.” What a waste keeping God’s Word shut away in a box and drawer! The Psalmist tell us … and we believers ought to know that God’s Word is … “more precious than gold, than much pure gold” His Word has greater value than the purest gold. It’s valuable because God is speaking through His Word.

Reflect upon what the psalmist says in verse 7 … “The law of the LORD is perfect” … the law refers to the complete Word of God which contains the Doctrine of Scripture. Taken like this one can look at Creation in Genesis to the New Creation in Revelation which includes the glorious Gospel of redeeming love. The all of Scripture is perfect. God being the Divine Author so constructed His Word that over time, revealing more and more as time periods past … until and including His coming to earth with His Rescue Plan to deal with man’s greatest need … pardon for sin and reconciliation with God to the new earth and heavens with King Jesus ruling and reigning eternally. His plan, His will, His intent … all revealed and accomplished in His Word are perfect!

Just look what it does … “reviving the soul” … or as the older translations say … “converting the soul”. Through this perfect Word contained in the Bible, when used and applied … it revives a dead soul, it converts the soul to Christ. Never forget the power of the Word. It is God’s instrument to bring and give life. Just as God spoke and out of nothing He created everything that exists … so when He speaks through His Word and people listen with intent, the Holy Spirit applies the Word to the heart and deadness comes to life! The rest of these verses could be for another Daily Note, but read them, meditate upon them because they are trustworthy (v7), right, pure and sure (v8). They make you wise (v7) and give joy and light (v8) and although they warn you (v11), when obey there is great reward (v 11).

Dear God, thank You for giving us Your life saving and transforming Word. Thank You for the treasures it contains. Help us never to box and store Your Word but to use it daily to grow in Christlikeness. Amen.

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