Today is Youth Day 2021.
Our youth in our country are very important to all of us as a nation. They will be taking over the leadership in every sphere of our country soon. Maybe some have already done this on a smaller scale, but eventually this will be so in its entirety.
I am not doing a video message this year, neither am I going to consider why Youth Day in South Africa is extremely important, why we have a Public Holiday and why we remember the terrible past of our nation on this day.
What I want to do briefly this year is, because our Youth will be our leaders soon, is to deal with the most important ingredient after they surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is this …
Ps 119:9 How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. 10 I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. 11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
1) Because our youth (male and female) will be our leaders in government, homes, business, church and many other areas of society, to keep their way “pure”, meaning to live a holy life, they need to live according to God’s Word. We desperately need godly leadership. Pray that our youth and especially our Church youth will be men and women of the Word, living their lives, shaping their homes, families, careers, education, relationships by God’s Truth.
2) Because our youth (male and female) will be our leaders in government, homes, business, church and many other areas of society, pray that our youth will seek God with all their hearts. Pray they will have the desire and the passion to want God in their lives and in all their ways. Pray that they will not wander and stray from God, His word and His Church and become drifting, lazy, lethargic Christians … because then they will be powerless and never become “change makers” for Jesus in the home, work place, school or society.
3) Because our youth (male and female) will be our leaders in government, homes, business, church and many other areas of society, pray that our youth will intentionally know (hide) God’s Word through applying His Word to their lives (heart) so that they will walk in holiness of life (will not sin against God). See Psalm 1.
Many parents and grandparents worry about their children and grandchildren and their future. Perhaps they at present ignore God; perhaps they resist going to Church; perhaps they are mixing with the wrong crowd; perhaps their morals are tending towards the world … Friend, you can be the “change maker” in their lives if you believe in the power of prayer!
If you read this today as one of the youth, remember that in Christ you can live for Him, His glory and slowly start changing your society (even home, school and friends) through taking to heart the words of this Psalm.
Blessed Youth Day … be a “Change Maker” for Jesus.