For many reasons Jenny’s ironing packed up. She enjoys ironing but due to many circumstances the pile got bigger and bigger. She made a decision a few days back and dedicated time each day to eliminate that pile. I am so proud of her–today she finished the last 6 pieces and the ironing is totally up to date! I chaffed her saying I need to put another load of washing on!
Many people have used this lock down period to clean and sort out cupboards and complete back log responsibilities. Have you?
It’s so easy to slump into a lazy mode, especially as the rains continue. One could become morbid, but God’s Word encourages us …
Pr 20:4 A sluggard does not plow in season; so at harvest time he looks but finds nothing.
Where this Proverb speaks directly to hard labour and prudent use of time to ensure provision for food and trading, we may add that when we use our available time to do the tasks we ought to do, we will, in the future, have an easier time to relax or do the more enjoyable things.
Father, too often we tend to mismanage our time. Help us to use the time–especially this lock down time–more productively and for your glory. We pray in Jesus Name, Amen.