In considering Joseph as a “type” of Christ we saw that he was a son, shepherd and servant … as was Jesus. Today we want to see the “type” in the shape of being “sold”. Remember the hatred and jealousy his brothers had for Joseph? His father sends him to enquire as to the wellbeing […]
Joseph, “Type” of Christ (Part 3)
Joseph as a “type” of Christ continues. After the episode of Joseph telling stories about his half-brothers to his father, the relationship further deteriorated once Israel made the coat for Joseph. Genesis 37:4 tells us that these brothers hated and did not speak kindly to him. Then to crown things and make them much worse, […]
Joseph, “Type” of Christ (Part 2)
Yesterday we started looking at Joseph as a “type” of Christ. One thing to remember is that we cannot compare any human “type” with Jesus Christ in totality because humans are sinful and He was sinless. So Joseph as a “type” of Christ needs to be seen in this way. Yesterday we saw he was […]
Joseph, “Type” of Christ (Part 1)
Are you amazed at how often as you read the Old Testament and then the New, you see “types”? For example, Adam was a type and so was Moses, Joshua and David and many others. Each one was a “type” of Christ and each one was used by God in specific ways to point to […]
Youth Day 2021
Today is Youth Day 2021. Our youth in our country are very important to all of us as a nation. They will be taking over the leadership in every sphere of our country soon. Maybe some have already done this on a smaller scale, but eventually this will be so in its entirety. I am […]
Beatitudes in Revelation, Part 7
Over the last few days we have been looking at the Beatitudes in the Book of Revelation. There are seven in all. What is significant about the Bible is that right up to the last page it is evangelistic! God’s Gospel Message started on page 1 and extends right to the end of the Scriptures. […]
Beatitudes in Revelation, Part 6
When one loves the Bible and its message and over the years of reading it cover to cover you start to grasp the Bible’s Message … in that there is one message and it’s all about God’s Rescue Plan to Redeem a people for Himself … there is a spiritual clapping and joy that cannot […]
Beatitudes in Revelation, Part 5
The Seven Beatitudes in the Book of Revelation, taken in context (perhaps more than I have done so far), literally provides a snap synopsis of the Book. The opening of chapter 20 deals with the period of time from Jesus’ First Coming (His Incarnation – God taking human flesh and becoming man) to Jesus Second […]
Beatitudes in Revelation, Part 4
When doing my matric, I chose Biblical Studies as part of the six subject choice. Literally it was a survey of the complete Bible, Book by Book. It was here that I found that the Book of Revelation is like a Shakespearian Play. Shakespeare always used five acts with a variety of number of scenes. […]
Beatitudes in Revelation, Part 3
The blessings arising from the Beatitudes in Revelation might be shaped very differently to those in Matthew 5, but the concept of “blessing” remains the same … especially in the context of “congratulations and happiness” because you have responded positively to the ministry of the Holy Spirit as He applied the Gospel to your heart, […]