Acts Devotionals

As Tertullus Did

I do not watch movies about fictitious court cases. They are engineered to achieve a climax to the movie. I have however watched some court cases on South African TV as well as some on the State Capture Proceedings. What came to my mind is that some advocates and their legal teams prepare well and […]

Acts Devotionals

Passing the Buck

You have heard of the saying … “passing the buck”. The term is said to have originated from a ritual practiced during card games. The card players would place a marker, called a “buck” in front of the person who was dealing. This marker would be passed to the next player who would become the […]

Acts Devotionals

The Greater Picture

There is something we Christians need to grasp and understand in our hearts and minds. It is this … the Christian God is the God of the Bible, the God who created all things from absolutely nothing and is the only true, living God. There is no other. He is the One who came to […]

Acts Devotionals

The Purpose of the Journey

The picture suddenly reminds us of God’s purpose for Paul’s journey to Jerusalem. You might recall how many pleaded with him not to enter the Mother City, yet he was persistent … in fact, he was adamant to present himself there. The Mother Church’s eldership were concerned about the gossip going around about him and […]

Acts Devotionals

The Red Herring

We started and ended yesterday mentioning doctrine. Negatively and positively doctrine divides. The negative is that it divides causing anger, frustration and even fighting. The positive is that doctrine divides truth from error. As previously stated, although Luke records Paul’s knowledge of the Sadducees and Pharisees different beliefs about the resurrection from the dead, I […]

Acts Devotionals

Doctrine Divides

I am certain you have heard it … and I would most likely have said it a few times since I started writing Daily Notes … Doctrine divides! Being a pastor I have counselled a fair amount of people over 40 odd years. One of the difficult waters to pass through is laying the Word […]

Acts Devotionals

Paul the Citizen

Being a citizen of a country, in some cases, includes many advantages. If you are a citizen of the EU or USA, when entering certain countries you don’t need a visa. Here in the USA, the citizens take their citizenship very seriously. I read today of a man who as a US citizen came from […]

Acts Devotionals

Seeing, Hearing, Believing

There are many times when the Gospel is proclaimed and those who hear respond negatively against it. It is not that there is anything wrong with the Gospel. Not at all. The Gospel is God’s Rescue Plan for mankind. Analyzing the Gospel shows it is perfect in every way. The problem is the heart of […]

Acts Devotionals

Paul’s Testimony

Some people incorrectly believe that only pastors and Christian Workers are called to testify about the Lord Jesus and His offer of the Gospel to all who will receive it. The reason I say this is an incorrect belief is because all believers are mandated to take the Gospel message to everyone, wherever they are, […]

Acts Devotionals

Faith in a Strong Branch

Why is it that the apostle Paul could speak so boldly, fearlessly and confidently before the mob trying to kill him? In the mail they send out a few times a week, “The Pour Over” ( have a quote by Tim Keller: “If you’re falling off a cliff, strong faith in a weak branch is […]