Covid-19 Devotionals

Spiritual Potholes

Our break-away to Chrystal Springs was a wonderful time of seeing beautiful landscapes, lots of animals and birds and most of all relaxing by being away from the normal routine. The N4 has some roads works going and coming, but generally it was good. The road from Belfast through Dullstroom to Lydenberg is much improved […]

Covid-19 Devotionals

What Does Paul Say About Forgiveness?

In our first two Daily Notes on “forgiveness”, as we considered the question: “What type of person can forgive?” We saw that the one can forgive is spiritual and Christian who prays, using forgiveness to evangelise and build relationships. Now, looking at verses 8-23 we want to answer the question: “Why should Christians forgive?” To […]

Covid-19 Devotionals

What Type of Person Can Forgive?

What is the type of person who can forgive? Can anyone forgive? These are profound questions because the immediate answer tends to lean towards “anyone can forgive”. I want to spend a few days looking at the New Testament Book called Philemon. The basic message of this book is “forgiveness”. But first let me start […]

Covid-19 Devotionals

Being a Forgiving Person

We’re looking at the New Testament Book, Philemon, considering the question, “What type of person is able to forgive?” In our second part we start by asking, “what did Paul want for Philemon?” Phm 1:6 I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of […]

Covid-19 Devotionals

The Church and Society

What was the “biggest and longest” holiday you needed to pack for? We are going away for a few days this coming week. We have been gifted with Monday to Friday at Crystal Springs Mountain Lodge, situated in Robbers Pass, Pilgrim’s Rest, Mpumalanga. So, we have spent time today thinking about what to pack … […]

Covid-19 Devotionals

On Divorce

Listening to the radio this morning I heard some of a discussion on divorce. Although the lady speaking was very articulate and understandable, there was nothing Christian mentioned. Although she spoke about rebirth … it was in the context of the rebirth of a relationship. She spoke about being an entity and, when marrying you […]

Covid-19 Devotionals

God’s Will for Countries

The United States of America has had a period of voting for a new president and for the senate. Most people cast their votes at voting booths, but many people mailed in their vote. I have not been following the results … just peeping in now and then to see what is happening. It’s rather […]

Covid-19 Devotionals

Praying for People

I want to return to the theme of prayer today and kick off by asking a provocative question or two. Have you ever felt that you are responsible for something that happened in someone else’s life? Bringing it closer to home, are you disappointed that you have not prayed more specifically for a family member […]

Covid-19 Devotionals

What Does the Bible Say About Healing?

I’m certain you have prayed for healing. Maybe for yourself or a loved one or perhaps a friend of colleague. We all become ill at some stage or the other. It might be a common cold or the flu. It might be something more serious such as heart problems, kidney problems, stomach problems or even […]

Covid-19 Devotionals

On Selfish Ambition

As a Marriage Officer, one needs to take the Marriage Register (book), into Home Affairs for them to sign acceptance of the register that has been completed and signed by the wedding couple and their witnesses. Once this has been done, the marriage is considered legally registered at the Department of Home Affairs in South […]